
Where ever i look there is someone rubbing something in someone else’s face.

Mum pages.. We all go there for support or advice, but why is it always competitive on who’s breastfed and who’s bottle fed and who choose’s what for their baby that someone else has better or their baby weighs more and their birth was “all natural no drugs” or not.

I think it needs to stop. Motherhood is so hard, why do others try to make it harder? Make other mums feel like crap?

Mum’s parent differently, AND THAT IS OK. We all do things our own way to suit our babies, toddlers & children. Does it honestly matter who’s baby was bigger? or who’s crawling first? No. It matters that we try every day all day to keep our kids safe, fed, cleaned & looked after. So if you don’t have nothing nice to say to a trying mother then don’t say anything at all.

I try to be the best everyday, we all do. So the last thing we need is to compete. We need to be supportive, loving and kind to other mums, let them rant. We need to build each other up.

So next time you see a post, comment on how amazing she is doing, that it will get better. Because it does, we all adapt in our own time to motherhood. Next time you see a mother trying to keep it together at the supermarkets smile, tell her she’s doing a great job. It will brighten her day.


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